Installation, Testing and Comparison
Installation is easy, just install the Infinite in a free 5’25 bay, and hook the connections up to your motherboard. One thing I do like is that the connections are not soldered to the PCB of the Infinite, they are plugs so the ones not in use can be removed so you don’t have the extra wires to deal with.
The Infinity Drive itself is a little bit bigger than my 2’5 HDD. A couple screws and it comes apart to install the hard drive.
Installing the hard drive is easy, just plug it into the connector and screws the Infinity Drive back together. Plug into the bay unit, turn the key and your ready to go.
Of course you will need to install the drivers for the card reader but not for the Infinity Drive as it is recognized as a USB hard drive and will install automatically under Windows XP.
I had my SilverStone card reader in my system before this and I can say that the Aerocool card reader is just as fast as that was. I had no problems accessing and using the card reader and other functions of the Aerocool Infinite system.
Using the Infinity Drive is easy, just slide it into the bay unit and turn the key, the LED will come on to indicate power and you can access your data. To remove and take with you, just turn the key to the off position and away you go. The only improvement I would have liked is to include a carrying case for the Infinity Drive, but oh well…
The version I received is black and matched my Coolermaster Centurion very well, a silver version is also available. The Infinite features a flip down door as well to protect the inside of the bay device when the Infinity Drive is not installed.
Since the entire thing is USB 2.0 based, speeds are not really an issue just the speed of your drive and the cards you are using is.
I could put a couple charts and graphs up with comparison speeds and all but there was really no speed difference, I used the same cards and the other readers I have are also USB so there was no difference in speed. So I figured why put the graphs and charts up at all…
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Comparing the Infinity Drive enclosure to my other enclosure which is a Vizo Shuttle, the speeds were the same there as well, so no difference there.
It is nice to have the dock for the 2.5 enclosure, you don’t have to worry about storing it anywhere, and you basically always know where it is.
The security key feature is a cool idea, but I don’t know how much use it is really, other than the coolness factor,I don’t see this installed in an office computer with highly sensitive data etc, but it is cool nonetheless. I think it is more of a gimmick than anything else, yes it works as the on/off switch as well, maybe if they hooked it to the motherboard so you could turn the computer on with the keys, now that would be cool or Aerocool…