ECS EliteGroup KN1 SLI Lite Extreme Motherboard Review


A Better Look at Things pg3


Moving on with the tour, we’ll jump down to the bottom of the board, there are three USB headers there, there are no Firewire connections on this board.

In the following picture we can see the speaker connector, it’s greenish in color, next to that is the Infrared connector, beneath that is the front panel connections and finally next that that is the CMOS jumper nicely coded in red.

Up above that is a cool metal plate with the ECS Extreme logo on it.


The MCP processor is actively cooled by a low profile cooler, it should not interfere with any types of video cards. The cooler does a very good job of cooling the chipset, and is actually very quiet.

Beside the chipset cooler are the four SATA 2 connectors, with available RAID functionality. There are also three more three pin connectors on the side of the board, one is being used by the chipset cooler that other two are free.