ECS NF650iSLIT-A (V1.0) Motherboard Review


A Better Look at Things pg4 -BIOS

What would a motherboard review be without taking a look at the BIOS… the ECS NF650iSLIT-A is the basic Phoenix- AwardBIOS, and it’s basic… There’s not much really special about this BIOS, no real overclocking functions, but there are some basic ones.

The first page is our standard setup section, or Standard CMOS Features, set time, date etc.

The next page would be Advanced BIOS Features, here you do have to scroll down to see the entire page.


A sub-menu of the Advanced BIOS Features is CPU Feature, here you can adjust processor specific features, like Thermal Management, Intel SpeedStep on or off, C1E support, and CPU related items.