Tag Archive for DDR

Kingston HyperX X2 Grey Series 4GB DDR3 2133Mhz KHX2133C9AD3X2K2/4GX Desktop Memory @ TestFreaks

Link: http://blog.testfreaks.com/review/review-of-kingston-hyperx-x2-grey-series-4gb-2-x-2gb-ddr3-2133mhz-khx2133c9ad3x2k24gx-desktop-memory/ Quote: “If you’ve been involved with computers for a while you’d know that all ram is not created equal.  If you consider yourself an enthusiast you owe it to yourself to use good quality ram from a reputable company.…

Vizo Sleet DDR Cooler

Every computer component needs to be cool, heat is one of the major contributers to an unstable system. Most ram modules these days come with a heat sink, but there are still some that do not; for those you need…