Tag Archive for testing

Evercool NP-601 Notebook Cooler

  Keeping computers cool is something that everyone strives to do, but when you think of cooling for computers most people overlook their laptops. There are many options to cool your laptop, but today for review I have one from…


  A little bit ago there was a lot of gossip, and exaggeration on quite a few websites about the product I have for review today. It is the SnoopStick from Solid Oak Software, and many people out there were…

JetArt Nano Diamond Thermal Compound

  They say Diamonds are a girls best friend, well that might be true but I think they may be a geeks or enthusiasts best friend as well… I’m talking of course of the thermal properties of diamonds, diamonds are…

JetArt SL1800 Slim CPU Cooler

  Ok, yesterday we looked at the JetArt SL1600 Slim CPU Cooler, today we have what might be considered its big brother, the SL1800 Slim CPU Cooler. The SL1800 is basically the same as the SL1600 except thicker, and thus…